Meaning of vrrittakar,vrittakar in english
Interpreting vrrittakar,vrittakar - वृत्ताकार
Other : round Ex:  Having the round head, flat head, pointed head उ: यह एक विशाल वृत्ताकार भवन है।
cyclorama उ: ग्लोब भी वृत्ताकार बनी थी।
Suggested : a pictorial representation, in perspective, of a landscape, battle, etc, on the inner wall of a cylindrical room or hall, viewed by spectators occupying a position in the center having a flat, circular surface, as a disk
Exampleवृत्ताकार का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
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Related words :
As noun : वृत्ताकार क्षेत्र - radius वृत्ताकार नृत्य - round वृत्ताकार प्रवाह - swirl वृत्ताकार में घूमना - arc वृत्ताकारअना - arc
Other : वृत्ताकार गति - gyre
and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :