Meaning of varshik bhatta ya vrritti,varshik bhatta ya vritti in english

Interpreting varshik bhatta ya vrritti,varshik bhatta ya vritti - वार्षिक भत्ता या वृत्ति
As noun :
annuity Ex:  Acquiring land, a house, a meadow, an annuity
Suggested : a specified income payable at stated intervals for a fixed or a contingent period, often for the recipient's life, in consideration of a stipulated premium paid either in prior installment payments or in a single payment
Exampleवार्षिक भत्ता या वृत्ति का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of varshik bhatta ya vrritti,varshik bhatta ya vritti Antonyms of varshik bhatta ya vrritti,varshik bhatta ya vritti

Word of the day
varshik bhatta ya vrritti,varshik bhatta ya vritti can be used as noun.. No of characters: 23 including consonants matras. Transliteration : vaarShika bhattaa yaa vRRitti

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