Meaning of vayana in english
Interpreting vayana - वयन
As noun : tone Ex:  Talk about a tone higher, sounding less up
gesture animus passion set Ex:  Dryden's MacFlecknoe set up the satirical parody. expression Ex:  It is used in this popular expression It's a Gigogne mother, is a woman who has many children, in allusion to a character Puppet theater that represented many children surrounded by abstract nature Ex:  In consequence of her deeply magical nature rate Ex:  Bogotá had a murder rate of 23 persons per 100,000 inhabitants weave spin work Ex:  The Wealth of Nations was Smith's most influential work knitting Ex:  In terms of Hosiery, A set of knitting needles
As verb : knit
Other : उ: वयं देवस्य धीमहि, सुमतिं वाजिनीवतः स्वाहा। weaving Ex:  It also avoids the energy cost of weaving a large orb-web. texture Ex:  The texture of the bones, muscles, fibers
Suggested : to put (something or someone) in a particular place any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate strong dislike or enmity hostile attitude animosity a movement or position of the hand, arm, body, head, or face that is expressive of an idea, opinion, emotion, etc any sound considered with reference to its quality, pitch, strength, source, etc
Exampleवयन का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of vayana
Word of the day
Related words :
Other : वयन ग्रंथि - spinning gland वयन नलिका - spinning tube वयन नियंत्रक परिषद् - textile control board वयन विभिन्नता - textual variation वयन व्यवहार - spinning behaviour वयन शिक्षक - weaving instructor वयन सामंजस्य - symphony of texture वयनिका - spinnerule
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :