Meaning of vidvesh in english

Interpreting vidvesh - विद्वेष
As noun : resentment Ex:  The keep him well, Keep resentment against him, with purpose to avenge the opportunity to उ:   जातीय विद्वेष ही इसका कारण माना जाता था।
rancor Ex:  This is a man without venom, which has no venom, He has no malice, no rancor उ:   मनोवैज्ञानिक स्तर पर उन्हें इच्छा और विद्वेष कहते हैं। rancour venom Ex:  There is venom in this proposal antipathy Ex:  Having antipathy for something hostility spitefulness feeling Ex:  It means, in speaking of a writer or a speaker, Walnut in a large amount of words a thought, a feeling odium unpleasantness spite Ex:  In spite of flying almost daily missions grudge
Other : malice Ex:  Who malice malevolence
Suggested : intense hatred or dislike, especially toward a person or thing regarded as contemptible, despicable, or repugnant the function or the power of perceiving by touch a hostile state, condition, or attitude enmity antagonism unfriendliness a natural, basic, or habitual repugnance aversion the poisonous fluid that some animals, as certain snakes and spiders, secrete and introduce into the bodies of their victims by biting, stinging, etc
Exampleविद्वेष का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of vidvesh Antonyms of vidvesh

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Usage of विद्वेष:
1. राज्यपाल राम नाईक ने कहा कि नगर विकास विकास एवं संसदीय कार्य मंत्री आजम खां से उनका कोई व्यक्तिगत विद्वेष नहीं हैlivehindustan.com2. आजम से व्यक्तिगत विद्वेष नहीं: राज्यपालlivehindustan.com3. सामाजिक विद्वेष फैला रहे भाजपा सांसद: सपा LiveHindustanRelated words :
vidvesh can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : vidveSha

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