Meaning of vilayatee gokharoo,vilayatee gokharu,vilayati gokharoo in english

Interpreting vilayatee gokharoo,vilayatee gokharu,vilayati gokharoo - विलायती गोखरू
As noun :
Suggested : any of several plants of the genus Dipsacus, having prickly leaves and flower heads Compare teasel family
Exampleविलायती गोखरू का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of vilayatee gokharoo,vilayatee gokharu,vilayati gokharoo

Word of the day
vilayatee gokharoo,vilayatee gokharu,vilayati gokharoo can be used as noun.. No of characters: 13 including consonants matras. Transliteration : vilaayatii gokharuu

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