Meaning of visheshata in english
Interpreting visheshata - विशेशता
As noun :
property Ex:  Though anarcho-capitalists are known for asserting a right to private property
Suggested : that which a person owns the possession or possessions of a particular owner
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Related words :
As adverb : विशेषतः या विशेष रूप से - especially विशेषता से - peculiarly
Other : विशेषत- - preferably विशेषत-अनुकूलित विश्लेषण - speciality adapted analysis विशेषत-विशिष्टत- - particular विशेषतःविशेष रूप से - विशेषतया - wspecial reference to विशेषतया सशक्त किया गया मजिस्ट्रेट - magistrate specially empowered विशेषता, विशेष लक्षण -
can be used as noun.. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :