Meaning of vivarn in english
Interpreting vivarn - विवर्ण
As noun : cadaverous उ: इन विवर्ण धब्बों में भी निश्चित्त क्रम में परिवर्तन होते हैं।
pasty sallow pastelike
Other : dimmed Ex:  Tobacco smoke has dimmed faded Ex:  He faded to display his friend, he was in so as not to attract attention to himself pallid of a low caste (as opposed to सवर्ण pale
Suggested : shockingly frightful or dreadful horrible Also called beeswax a solid, yellowish, nonglycerine substance allied to fats and oils, secreted by bees, plastic when warm and melting at about 145°F, variously employed in making candles, models, casts, ointments, etc, and used by bees in constructing their honeycomb resembling wax in appearance or characteristics of or like paste in consistency, texture, color, etc of or like a corpse
Exampleविवर्ण का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of vivarn Antonyms of vivarn
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Related words :
As noun : विवर्णक - descriptor विवर्णन - discolouration
Other : विवर्ण करना - discolour विवर्णकता - depigmentation विवर्णत - prevention of fading विवर्णता - discolouration विवर्णन आदग्ध काल - decolourizing char विवर्णी अंत्य बिंदु - fading end point विवर्णीकरण - decolourization
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :