Meaning of vyapar men lee huee mudra,vyapar men li hui mudra in english

Interpreting vyapar men lee huee mudra,vyapar men li hui mudra - व्यापार में ली हुई मुद्रा
As noun :
taking Ex:  Karelia's main city, taking it on 29 April.
Suggested : the act of a person or thing that takes
Exampleव्यापार में ली हुई मुद्रा का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of vyapar men lee huee mudra,vyapar men li hui mudra

Word of the day
vyapar men lee huee mudra,vyapar men li hui mudra can be used as noun.. No of characters: 25 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : vyaapaara me.n lii huii mudraa

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