Meaning of (वंशी) vnshee in english

As noun : flute Ex:  Playing the flute उ:   उन्होंने अपनी मनोहारी कामबीज वंशी की ध्वनि बजाई।
reed उ:   मधुरी वंशी रणभेरी का डंका हो अब। pipe Ex:  wind musical instrument composed of pipes and a further formed a sheepskin, which swells by means of the first pipe Porte wind called उ:   निकोलस द्वितीय रूस का अंतिम रोमनेव वंशी सम्राट था।
Other : fife Ex:  Player fife उ:   यहाँ के राजा गोंड वंशी थे और 'जमींदार' कहलाने लगे। fishing hook उ:   जो सभी भारत वंशी हैं। aulos उ:   उनके अनुसार 'हैहय वंशी आर्य शासकों के आगमन से पूर्व भी यहाँ गढ़ थे'।
Suggested : a hollow cylinder of metal, wood, or other material, used for the conveyance of water, gas, steam, petroleum, etc the straight stalk of any of various tall grasses, especially of the genera Phragmites and Arundo, growing in marshy places a musical wind instrument consisting of a tube with a series of fingerholes or keys, in which the wind is directed against a sharp edge, either directly, as in the modern transverse flute, or through a flue, as in the recorder
Exampleवंशी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(वंशी) vnshee can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : v.nshii

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