Meaning of (वर्णसि) varnasi in english
As noun : water Ex:  Whether the water results from precipitation
water Ex:  Whether the water results from precipitation waters Ex:  It was particularly hot mineral waters sewer serum lotus
Suggested : the clear, pale-yellow liquid that separates from the clot in the coagulation of blood blood serum an artificial conduit, usually underground, for carrying off waste water and refuse, as in a town or city Ethel, 1896–1977, US singer and actress a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H 2 O, freezing at 32°F or 0°C and boiling at 212°F or 100°C, that in a more or less impure state constitutes rain, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H 2 O, freezing at 32°F or 0°C and boiling at 212°F or 100°C, that in a more or less impure state constitutes rain, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc
Exampleवर्णसि का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(वर्णसि) varnasi
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :