Meaning of (वार्तायन) vartayana in english

As noun : spy
secret emissary agent Ex:  In terms of Roads and Bridges, he told the agent that is responsible for carrying out the works under the orders of an engineer envoy messenger plenipotentiary ambassador Ex:  He was beautifully this ambassador legate emissary herald aide de camp
As adjective : mobile motile
Suggested : a person who carries a message or goes on an errand for another, especially as a matter of duty or business a diplomatic agent capable of moving or being moved readily a person or business authorized to act on another's behalf a person employed by a government to obtain secret information or intelligence about another, usually hostile, country, especially with reference to military or naval affairs
Exampleवार्तायन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(वार्तायन) vartayana can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : vaartaayana

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