Meaning of (विचाल) vichala in english
As noun : segregate
sequester withdraw Ex:  It prefers to withdraw disconect decouple wean part Ex:  Wisconsin took part in Operation Springboard cut Ex:  He cut to the bone, to strong separate Ex:  Scotland's legal system continues to be separate from those of England divorce Ex:  The divorce became final in 1973. She later committed suicide. rule out untack split off divide Ex:  Each party usually used to divide a book, a treaty, a narrative time Ex:  By the time of Live-Evil in December 1970 period Ex:  Reflecting on the period tense season Ex:  From the 2001 season onwards date Ex:  The year 1158 is assumed to be the foundation date epoch call Ex:  The call is usually suspensive point Ex:  At one point in this work, Dickens had Oliver become embroiled in a robbery. while Ex:  Over 1,225 Puerto Ricans have died while serving for the United States. lacuna lag interval Ex:  After an interval of silence, he said discontinuity time lag time lapse cusp hiatus Ex:  After a 32-month hiatus spacing interregnum Ex:  By extension, After the death of the Doge of Venice, the interregnum was very short discrepancy discrimination difference Ex:  Almost about with a very small difference gap Ex:  Paris is a gap distance Ex:  When the Earth approaches its farthest distance from the Sun in July piece Ex:  Biting into a piece of bread spacing differential drop clearance Ex:  PASSAGE says Galleries, usually covered and reserved for pedestrians, which serve clearance to adjacent streets central Ex:  Hills in the north and south are bisected by a central valley. midway
As verb : sort out partition off sunder differentiate dissociate distinguish Ex:  Each of these things has unique and specific qualities that distinguish uncouple disengage disconnect disassociate disentangle remove Ex:  His verses remove the sequestrate take off seclude
As adjective : interschool
Suggested : a division into or distribution in portions or shares a particular kind, species, variety, class, or group, distinguished by a common character or nature to draw back, away, or aside take back remove to remove or withdraw into solitude or retirement seclude to separate or set apart from others or from the main body or group isolate
Word of the day
(विचाल) vichala
can be used as noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :