Meaning of (विदूरग) vidooraga in english
As noun : inclusive
intimate specific Ex:  Inbred strains are less common and are usually used for very specific research detailed Ex:  Kasparov's detailed Olympiad record, from , follows. full sized large Ex:  Other large Christian groups include the Methodists and the Baptists. broad particular Ex:  Proteins can also work together to achieve a particular function
As verb : rambling
As adjective : far flung comprehensive Ex:  Dion released her first comprehensive greatest hits album in French extensive Ex:  The country has extensive marine resources expansive spacious full scale wide Ex:  Each of these channels will be 218 metres wide wide ranging full size
Suggested : of great extent wide broad including the stated limit or extremes in consideration or account of large scope covering or involving much inclusive aimlessly wandering extending over a great distance
Word of the day
(विदूरग) vidooraga
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :