Meaning of (विनोदन) vinodana in english

As noun : wanton
shrug off omit revert to iron out brush away wipe cut Ex:  He said, by analogy, of what remains of a large tree branch that was cut or broken pinch out turn Ex:  The bars of the capstan, bars that are used for turn the capstan clear Ex:  Ridding, clear of the obstruction, mouth, smoothly pick phase out take away erase still Ex:  The Spanish still controlled the Netherlands kill Ex:  To kill one s other smooth over smooth away cure Ex:  There is no cure Universal smooth throw off
As verb : revel frolic abolish repel remove Ex:  In terms of playing cards, the cards Sunrise or Hand Raised, Sports hand, remove the cards played, the one we had being higher deflect dislodge take off pull out withdraw Ex:  NID Housing also said that the construction of certain animals, or the place where they withdraw eliminate Ex:  He orders Deckard to eliminate the four replicants displace kick off brush off rids hammer out rip off replace Ex:  African slaves were introduced to replace them. abate relieve dissipate remove Ex:  In terms of playing cards, the cards Sunrise or Hand Raised, Sports hand, remove the cards played, the one we had being higher stave in destroy dispel
Suggested : to drive or force back (an assailant, invader, etc) to raise and contract (the shoulders), expressing indifference, disdain, etc done, shown, used, etc, maliciously or unjustifiably merry play merriment gaiety fun to take great pleasure or delight (usually followed by in )
Exampleविनोदन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(विनोदन) vinodana can be used as noun, verb, transitive verb or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : vinodana

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