Meaning of (विस्त्रंभ) vistrnbha in english
As noun : reliance
assurance belief Ex: Some Romans, following a belief possibly originating in Mesopotamia loyalty Ex: The loyalty of a woman faith Ex: Canonist committed to give its opinion on matters of faith and discipline mythology Ex: The first part of its name refers to the Atlas of Greek mythology credit Ex: credit confidence Ex: Have confidence sureness dependence Ex: This land was the dependence of such a lord, was his addiction idea Ex: This idea is elaborated more fully by Van Den Toorn faith Ex: Canonist committed to give its opinion on matters of faith and discipline faith, belief trust Ex: Jurisprudence A person charged with a trust assassination Ex: Pilecki denied the assassination charges slaughter Ex: In the rout, there was a great slaughter murder Ex: Four days after the murder killing Ex: Kerouac also later wrote about the killing in his novel Vanity of Duluoz. carnage blood Ex: A poor blood depleted
As verb : believe Ex: Some authors believe that in early times
Suggested : confidence or trust in a person or thing the state or quality of being loyal faithfulness to commitments or obligations something believed an opinion or conviction a positive declaration intended to give confidence confident or trustful dependence
Exampleविस्त्रंभ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(विस्त्रंभ) vistrnbha
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :