Meaning of (व्यत्यस्त) vyatyasta in english

As noun : incoherent
desultory absurd improper unlogical contrary Ex:  It also says things that are contrary to an assertion, a conjecture, etc counter opposite Ex:  In terms of Arithmetic and Algebra, it means the Verification of a computing operation, which is done by the opposite operation inverse converse antithesis opposit reverse Ex:  They fought with almost equal alternative of success and reverse antithetical antagonist opposed Ex:  As opposed to hadrosaurs opponent Ex:  In terms Billiard, Touching the ball from his opponent hostile Ex:  Doctrine of the so hostile judge in lights progress thwarter obstructor obstructer adversary obstructionist opposer in opposition resister antipathetic withstander
As verb : confused Ex:  This should not be confused with the Nichols radiometer disconnected up Ex:  Adam gave up 70 years of his life for the life of David. oppose Ex:  It is said of some white threads which sometimes form on the wound horses and who oppose healing opposing Ex:  In the old procedure, evocative Schedule, Act which was served on the opposing party to declare that was heard to appeal to the Board, to be returned to another parliament
As adjective : undue incongruous odd preposterous disproportionate irrational inharmonious insupportable unjustified unjustifiable illogical unreconciled uneven Ex:  uneven breathing unconnected unconformable anomalous pointless unreasonable inconsistent abrupt incompatible Ex:  These two jobs are incompatible inappropriate adverse other Ex:  Like the other Little Rascals distributors discordant polar Ex:  Among the best known of these curves are the polar rose
Other : versus Ex:  Court was 2-1 versus Nancy Richey Gunter
Suggested : differing in nature from what is ordinary, usual, or expected lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected fitful out of keeping or place inappropriate unbecoming unwarranted excessive without logical or meaningful connection disjointed rambling
Exampleव्यत्यस्त का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(व्यत्यस्त) vyatyasta can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : vyatyasta

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