Meaning of (व्यावृत्) vyavaृt in english
As noun : predominance
breath Ex:  It is also said to similar effect His life is hanging by a breath cessation respite rest Ex:  Like the rest of Sierra Leone interval Ex:  From one day to the next, in a short interval Time stop Ex:  April 70 AD, Vespasianus sent a few legions to stop the revolt. break Ex:  We must break that leg to soften reprieve pause stoppage discrepancy discrimination difference Ex:  It also means without distinction, without putting difference between a person and another, between one thing and another gap Ex:  The gap widened between these two parties distance Ex:  A short distance from the main station is a memorial piece Ex:  CUTTING means even in a fabric Cut it need to make a piece of clothing spacing differential drop clearance Ex:  The clearance of items deposited at Mont-de- piety nuance secret Ex:  He discovered a secret passage difference Ex:  It also means without distinction, without putting difference between a person and another, between one thing and another variety Ex:  Elephants have a variety of both ecto-parasites and endo-parasites shade mystery Ex:  Occult , Doctrines and practices whose followers are mystery distinction Ex:  An officer of distinction, high distinction disparity quirk divergence variance insinuation contrast Ex:  This was in contrast to their contemporaries
As adjective : primeness
Suggested : an intervening period of time the refreshing quiet or repose of sleep a delay or cessation for a time, especially of anything distressing or trying an interval of relief the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration of the first importance demanding the fullest consideration
Exampleव्यावृत् का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(व्यावृत्) vyavaृt
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :