Meaning of (व्राजपति) vrajapati in english

As noun : army Ex:  As a result, Kuchlug's army was defeated west of Kashgar.
section Ex:  As noted in the section on "Evolution of societies" contingent clan squad cohort panel team Ex:  Chennai is also home to the Indian Cricket League team troop Ex:  In terms Military Art, the center of an army, a company; the part of an army, of a troop in battle array, which occupies the middle, which is between the two wings caucus regiment Ex:  This regiment has been active since 1898, and it is still active today. member Ex:  France is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization gang party Ex:  !!!!!!!!A party is a social gathering for celebration and recreation. brigade way Ex:  The single made its way through the American charts side Ex:  It runs along the south side of Sukhbaatar Square. blade Ex:  , and consists of a large curved steel blade attached to the end of a long handle with two handles interest Ex:  Singapore, and Norway that has long taken a traditional interest in Myanmar. force Ex:  TF 18 was charged with rendezvousing with a force of four U.S. destroyers corps Ex:  It was something more than a corps but less than an army. band Ex:  Other influential large ensembles included Fletcher Henderson's band company Ex:  The new company runs all non-editorial operations of both papers group Ex:  The Tsonga ethnic group is also found in southern Mozambique posse wave Ex:  On land and on the wave plague Ex:  It s' employs substantively speaking of people and it means one who is afflicted with the plague pack
Suggested : a small number of soldiers, commonly 10 privates, a staff sergeant, and a corporal the smallest military unit a group of families or households, as among the Scottish Highlanders, the heads of which claim descent from a common ancestor dependent for existence, occurrence, character, etc, on something not yet certain conditional (often followed by on or upon ) a part that is cut off or separated the military forces of a nation, exclusive of the navy and in some countries the air force
Exampleव्राजपति का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(व्राजपति) vrajapati can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : vraajapati

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