aauu, auu meaning in english
आउ का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ
शब्द : आउ
Transliteration : aauu
Other spellings : aauu, auuAs noun :
Meaning of aauu, auu in marathi
aai / आई
Identical words :
As noun :
aauukh ( आउख ) - the span of a person's lifeaauutapith ( आउटपीठ ) - the syllable oṃ considered as consisting of three and a half vocalic units: a, a, u and ṃaauuthahaatepan ( आउठहातेपण ) - being three and a half hands' lengthaauut ( आउत ) - ploughaauuksh ( आउक्ष ) - the span of a person's life
aauukh ( आउख ) - the span of a person's lifeaauutapith ( आउटपीठ ) - the syllable oṃ considered as consisting of three and a half vocalic units: a, a, u and ṃaauuthahaatepan ( आउठहातेपण ) - being three and a half hands' lengthaauut ( आउत ) - ploughaauuksh ( आउक्ष ) - the span of a person's life
Marathi to English
Recent Marathi English Meaning
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