aas, as meaning in english

आस का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : आस

Transliteration : aasa

Other spellings : aas, as

Meaning of aas, as in marathi

jhalak / झळक
chhata / छटाichchha / इच्छाapeksha / अपेक्षा

Identical words :

As noun :
aasan ( आसन ) - seataasapaasi ( आसपासी ) - surrounding regionaasaval ( आसवल ) - bear
As adjective :
aasak ( आसक ) - allaasat ( आसट ) - moistaasand ( आसंद ) - naughtyaasandat ( आसंदत ) - naughtyaasandi ( आसंदी ) - stand made of rope on which the soma creeper is placed during a soma sacrificeaasamasaahaas ( आसमसाहास ) - unprecedentedaasalag ( आसलग ) - easily obtainable
As transitive verb :
aasadane ( आसडणे ) - IP 1510aasandane ( आसंडणे ) - to jerkaasansane ( आसंसणे ) - to wish for
aasaapeksha ( आसअपेक्षा ) - wishes and hopesaasambhavanu ( आसंभवनु ) - absence
Marathi to English