deh meaning in english

देह का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : देह

Transliteration : deha

Other spellings : deh
As noun :
the body

Meaning of deh in marathi

divas / दिवसsharir / शरीर

Identical words :

As noun :
dehageh ( देहगेह ) - body and housedehapan ( देहपण ) - being a bodydehalutailen ( देहलुतैलें ) - rotten cf lūti in Jñā 13730
As adverb :
dehaparyant ( देहपर्यंत ) - until deathdehaan ( देहां ) - during the daytimedehaandhavaleyaan ( देहांधवळेयां ) - in broad daylight
As adjective :
dehayukt ( देहयुक्त ) - strongdehavant ( देहवंत ) - who identifies himself with his bodydehasidh ( देहसीध ) - liberated while being alive
dehakhand ( देहखंड ) - human bodydehabhaav ( देहभाव ) - identification of oneself with one's bodydeharaaj ( देहराज ) - the Lord of the bodydehavidya ( देहविद्या ) - type of knowledge that gives the one who has it a golden, diamond-hard bodydeh saandane ( देह सांडणे ) - to give up one's lifedehali ( देहळी ) - threshold
Marathi to English

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