id meaning in english
इड का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ
शब्द : इड
Transliteration : iDa
Other spellings : idAs noun :
Meaning of id in marathi
shidi / शिडी
Identical words :
idari ( इडरी ) - steamed cake made of rice and lentil flourida ( इडा ) - one of the three channels in Yogic physiologyidapida ghene ( इडापिडा घेणे ) - to remove an inauspicious event
Marathi to English
Recent Marathi English Meaning
ida, ididapida ghene, idapid gheneitaritastata, itastatitiitimuni, itimuniitihaas, itihasitukitulityarthityaadi, ityadiidanta, idantibhirenilarenilusilavari, ilavariila, ilili, iliivalus