karm meaning in english

कर्म का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : कर्म

Transliteration : karma

Other spellings : karm
As noun :

Meaning of karm in marathi

karm / कर्म

Identical words :

As noun :
karmakaand ( कर्मकांड ) - the part of the Vedas relating to sacrificial riteskarmath ( कर्मठ ) - ritualistic personkarmaphal ( कर्मफळ ) - the karmic reward or punishment for one's actions
As adjective :
karmakathin ( कर्मकठिण ) - working hard to please a deitykarmajad ( कर्मजड ) - jīva attached to rituals performed for deitieskarmabadh ( कर्मबध ) - bound by one's own karma
As transitive verb :
karmane ( कर्मणे ) - to cross
karmachaandaal ( कर्मचांडाळ ) - one who is a Cāṇḍāla by virtue of his actionskarmatha ( कर्मठा ) - place of workkarmabaahi ( कर्मबाही ) - rituals as armskarmabhaav ( कर्मभाव ) - the production of karmakarmabhuumi ( कर्मभूमि ) - the 500 yojanas of land between the Himālayas and Rāmeśvaram Setubandhakarmamaarg ( कर्ममार्ग ) - the way of the worship of deitieskarmayaag ( कर्मयाग ) - ritualistic actskarmaraahaati ( कर्मराहाटी ) - actions unrelated to the one supreme God
Marathi to English

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