lo meaning in english

लो का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : लो

Transliteration : lo

Other spellings : lo
As noun :

Meaning of lo in marathi

chhand / छंदaavad / आवडlay / लय

Identical words :

As noun :
lokapan ( लोकपण ) - worldlinesslokokti ( लोकोक्ती ) - traditionlokhand ( लोखंड ) - weaponlotaangan ( लोटांगण ) - prostrationlodhanen ( लोढणें ) - wooden clog tied to an animal's neck
As adjective :
lotha ( लोठा ) - enchanted
As transitive verb :
lotane ( लोटणे ) - to chop off
lok ( लोक ) - peoplelokapaalapaal ( लोकपाल--पाळ ) - guardian deities of the four cardinal and four intermediate directionslokaant ( लोकान्त ) - the absence of solitudelokaapavaad ( लोकापवाद ) - public censurelokaalok ( लोकालोक ) - the name of a mountain that encircles the earth and divides the visible world from the regions of darknesslot ( लोट ) - strong currentlotiloti ( लोटि-लोटी ) - round metal potlodhaalondha ( लोढा-लोंढा ) - rolling mass of water
Marathi to English

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