lot meaning in english
लोट का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ
शब्द : लोट
Transliteration : loTa
Other spellings : lotMeaning of lot in marathi
londha / लोंढा
Identical words :
As noun :
lotaangan ( लोटांगण ) - prostration
lotaangan ( लोटांगण ) - prostration
As transitive verb :
lotane ( लोटणे ) - to chop off
lotane ( लोटणे ) - to chop off
lotiloti ( लोटि-लोटी ) - round metal pot
Marathi to English
Recent Marathi English Meaning
lotaangan, lotanganlotiloti, lotilotilotha, lothlodhanenlodhaalondha, lodhalondhlonlonavaan, lonavanlonasanenlonichenloni, lonilothlodhanelonloplopaklopanelopani, lopanilobhlobhalepanlobhavine