man meaning in english
मण का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ
शब्द : मण
Transliteration : maNa
Other spellings : manMeaning of man in marathi
eka vajanamaapaache parimaan / एक वजनमापाचे परिमाण
Identical words :
As noun :
manikul ( मणिकुळ ) - vertebramanipur ( मणिपुर ) - the name of a plexus in Yogic physiologymaniphul ( मणिफुल ) - the plexus called 'Maṇipura' in Yogic physiologymanotr ( मणोत्र ) - the period of a Manu, 4,320,000 human years
manikul ( मणिकुळ ) - vertebramanipur ( मणिपुर ) - the name of a plexus in Yogic physiologymaniphul ( मणिफुल ) - the plexus called 'Maṇipura' in Yogic physiologymanotr ( मणोत्र ) - the period of a Manu, 4,320,000 human years
As adjective :
manij ( मणिज ) - born from an egg
manij ( मणिज ) - born from an egg
Marathi to English
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