na, na meaning in english

ना का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : ना

Transliteration : naa

Other spellings : na, na
As noun :

Meaning of na, na in marathi

naaral / नारळ

Identical words :

As noun :
naaita ( नाइटा ) - festering sore on the skinnaaeki ( नाएकी ) - masterynaakavani ( नाकवणी ) - nasal douchenaakavase ( नाकवसे ) - the upper nasal regionnaakaadaden ( नाकाड--डें ) - the nose said derogatively
As adjective :
naaikati ( नाइकती ) - as if not hearingnaakal ( नाकळ ) - unknowable
naanaan ( ना-नां ) - expletive expressing doubt, negation, a question, or an alternative See W, JŚB, p 257-59naaik ( नाइक ) - Leader an honorific titlenaaek ( नाएक ) - Leader an honorific titlenaaaiky ( नाऐक्य ) - Leader an honorific titlenaak ( नाक ) - Leader an honorific titlenaak kaapane ( नाक कापणे ) - to belittle oneselfnaakhalaanaakhava ( नाखला-नाखवा ) - small bits of wheat dough rolled on a fingernailnaakhi ( नाखी ) - the touch of a fingernail
Marathi to English