naat, nat meaning in english

नाट का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : नाट

Transliteration : naaTa

Other spellings : naat, nat
As noun :
As adjective :

Meaning of naat, nat in marathi

nrity / नृत्य

Identical words :

As noun :
naatakar ( नाटकर ) - the guard of a townnaatikar ( नाटिकर ) - the guard of a town
As adjective :
naataki ( नाटकी ) - - Ṭīkānaatakuut ( नाटकूट ) - ordinary
As transitive verb :
naatane ( नाटणे ) - not to wane
naatak ( नाटक ) - tricksternaatakasaala ( नाटकसाळा ) - dancing schoolnaatakuvindaani ( नाटकुविंदाणी ) - expert tricksternaatali ( नाटळी ) - mischievousnessnaataarambh ( नाटारंभ ) - dancing platformnaatova ( नाटोवा ) - male dancer
Marathi to English