taad, tad meaning in english

ताड का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : ताड

Transliteration : taaDa

Other spellings : taad, tad
palm tree

Meaning of taad, tad in marathi

taalavriksh / तालवृक्ष

Identical words :

As noun :
taadaphal ( ताडफळ ) - the fruit of a toddy palm treetaadavan ( ताडवन ) - grove of palm trees
taadapatrika ( ताडपत्रिका ) - letter written on a palm leaftaadaatodi ( ताडातोडी ) - separationtaadi ( ताडी ) - alcoholic drink made of the sap of a palm tree
Marathi to English