voh meaning in english

वोह का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ

शब्द : वोह

Transliteration : voha

Other spellings : voh
As noun :

Meaning of voh in marathi

bil / बीळ

Identical words :

As adjective :
vohat ( वोहट ) - retreatvoharat ( वोहरत ) - tapering
As transitive verb :
vohatane ( वोहटणे ) - to ebbvohalane ( वोहळणे ) - to wash in running water
vohatal ( वोहटळ ) - slopevohanise ( वोहणिसे ) - sister-in-law brother's wifevohani ( वोहणी ) - sister-in-law brother's wifevohamaayamaaye ( वोहमाय--माये ) - the mother of a bridevohar ( वोहर ) - bride and groomvohari ( वोहरी ) - sleepvohal ( वोहळ ) - streamvohaari ( वोहारी ) - daughter-in-lawvohinisen ( वोहीनीसें ) - sister-in-law brother's wifevohobaap ( वोहोबाप ) - the father of a bridevohomaaye ( वोहोमाये ) - the mother of a bride
Marathi to English