yug meaning in english
युग का अंग्रेजी में अर्थ
शब्द : युग
Transliteration : yuga
Other spellings : yugMeaning of yug in marathi
yog / योगgyaana milavinyaachaa maarg / ज्ञान मिळविण्याचा मार्ग
Identical words :
As adjective :
yugabhrasht ( युगभ्रष्ट ) - spiritual seeker who fails to complete a course of Yogic disciplineyugut ( युगुत ) - joined
yugabhrasht ( युगभ्रष्ट ) - spiritual seeker who fails to complete a course of Yogic disciplineyugut ( युगुत ) - joined
yugadharm ( युगधर्म ) - the type of religious activity appropriate to a particular age of the world the title of a chapter of the Sūtrapāṭhayuguti ( युगुती ) - skill
Marathi to English
Recent Marathi English Meaning
yugabhrashtyugalyugutyuguti, yugutiyugulyuvanamadhyuupyuushyentryeuyekyekachhatryekadatyekadaat, yekadatyekadesiya, yekadesiy, yekadesiyayekapanyekayekyekalyekavatyekavatane