akaram meaning in english

Word: ஆகாரம் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
akaram means
1. this quality as found in some individual object or body form
2. the shape of a thing or person.
3. an amount or value expressed in numbers.
4. something built or constructed, as a building, bridge, or dam.

Transliteration : ākāram Other spellings : akaram

Meanings in english :

As noun :
shape form Ex: Terrace farming was a useful form (ஆகாரம்) of agriculture. out line structure

Meaning of akaram in tamil

a name of the letter a / a name of the letter ஆ
orezuttu / ஓரெழுத்துvtivm / வடிவம்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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