entichaittunkal meaning in english

Word: ஏந்திசைத்தூங்கல் - The tamil word have 16 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
entichaittunkal means
1. likewise; in the same manner

Transliteration : ēnticaittūṅkal Other spellings : entichaittunkal

Meanings in english :

As adverb :
also Ex: Indian films also (ஏந்திசைத்தூங்கல்) appeared in international fora and film festivals.
verse of that harmony

Meaning of entichaittunkal in tamil

the harmo ny of sounds pechuliar to vanchi verses of onṟiyavanchittalai / the harmo ny of sounds peculiar to வஞ்சி verses of ஒன்றியவஞ்சித்தளை
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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