evl meaning in english
Word: ஏவல் - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
evl means
1. to require authoritatively; demand
2. a command of a court or judge.
3. an authoritative order, charge, or direction.
4. to remove or send forth
5. an incentive.
6. something that excites .
7. something inspired, as an idea.
8. the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others
Transliteration : ēvl Other spellings : evl
evl means
1. to require authoritatively; demand
2. a command of a court or judge.
3. an authoritative order, charge, or direction.
4. to remove or send forth
5. an incentive.
6. something that excites .
7. something inspired, as an idea.
8. the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc., of another or others
Transliteration : ēvl Other spellings : evl
Meanings in english :
command order direc tion commission despatches services duties as directed enjoined or otherwise attention to a husband imperative mood influence authority of command directing a demon upon an enemy by witchcraft
Meaning of evl in tamil
anaicheluttukai / ஆணைசெலுத்துகை
evukai / ஏவுகைpnivitai / பணிவிடைtun tukai / தூண் டுகைevalvinai muṟṟu / எவல்வினை முற்றுnatattukai / நடத்துகைpichachaiye vivitukai / பிசாசையே விவிடுகை
Identical words :
evalketka ( ஏவல்கேட்க ) - to do services commandedevalkolla ( ஏவல்கொள்ள ) - to employ one in serviceevalmeval ( ஏவல்மேவல் ) - services commanded and impliedevalvinai ( ஏவல்வினை ) - imperative of verbs
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