ompu meaning in english

Word: ஓம்பு - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ompu means
1. to keep under close watch in order to prevent escape, misconduct, etc.
2. to maintain by argument, evidence, etc.; uphold
3. to keep safe, intact, or unhurt; safeguard; preserve
4. to hold or have the use of for a period of time
5. a cause or object of worry, anxiety, concern, etc.
6. one of the districts into which certain English and Scottish boroughs are divided.
7. to cause to vanish; alleviate
8. to cherish, foster , keep alive, etc.

Transliteration : ōmpu Other spellings : ompu

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of ompu in tamil

kiṟen / கிறேன்
ompinen / ஓம்பினேன்ven / வேன்o mpa / ஓ ம்பkakka / காக்கpatukakka / பாதுகாக்கoziya / ஒழியvalarkka / வளர்க்க
Tamil to English
English To Tamil