ural meaning in english

Word: ஊறல் - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
u?al means
1. to remove or send forth
2. something that is printed or published and distributed, especially a given number of a periodical
3. a slight infusion, as of some element or quality
4. something that is infused.

Transliteration : ūRal Other spellings : ural

Meanings in english :

As noun :
issue infusion

Meaning of ural in tamil

uṟukai / ஊறுகை
uṟṟu / ஊற்றுmaruntiluṟal / மருந்திலூறல்panchalokakkalappu / பஞ்சலோகக்கலப்புvaruvay / வருவாய்klimpu / களிம்பு
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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