ativaralaru meaning in english

Word: அடிவரலாறு - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
ativarala?u means
1. the beginning or place of origin of a stream or river.
2. a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived
3. the reason or motive for some human action
4. the point of time or space at which anything begins
5. rise or derivation from a particular source

Transliteration : aṭivaralāRu Other spellings : ativaralaru

Meanings in english :

principle Ex: The working principle (அடிவரலாறு) of a yupana is unknown, . cause beginning origin Ex: Their origin (அடிவரலாறு) is unclear. bottom of a thing ancient lines of ancestry

Meaning of ativaralaru in tamil

karnm / காரணம்
totkkm / தொடக்கம்vamichavaralaṟu / வமிசவரலாறு
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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