atvi meaning in english

Word: அடவி - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
atvi means
1. the trees on such a tract
2. a tract of such land.
3. a small orchard or stand of fruit-bearing trees, especially citrus trees
4. something that is collected ; a group of objects or an amount of material accumulated in one location, especially for some purpose or as a result of some process
5. the act of assembling; state of being assembled.

Transliteration : aṭvi Other spellings : atvi

Meanings in english :

As noun :
jungle grove collection

Meaning of atvi in tamil

cholai / சோலை
kuttm / கூட்டம்

Identical words :

atavikkachcholam ( அடவிக்கச்சோலம் ) - kind of drugatavichchol ( அடவிச்சொல் ) - bezoar
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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