achti meaning in english

Word: அசதி - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
achti means
1. to deride; make fun of.
2. to mock at; deride.
3. a humorous or jesting remark.
4. the quality of being agile, nimble, or graceful.
5. marked by or resulting from sleepiness.

Transliteration : acti Other spellings : achti

Meanings in english :

As noun :

Meaning of achti in tamil

chirittuppechukai / சிரித்துப்பேசுகை
often used for ayarti / often used for அயர்திchorvu / சோர்வுthe name of a chertain man who was praised by auvaiyar / the name of a certain man who was praised by ஔவையார்auvaiyar kera vaipatappeṟṟavan / ஔவையார் கேர வைபாடப்பெற்றவன்vchvi / வசவி

Identical words :

achatichanni ( அசதிசன்னி ) - apoplexyachatiyaṟa ( அசதியற ) - at tentively
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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