alaikkzi meaning in english
Word: அலைக்கழி - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
alaikkzi means
1. to make complicated or confused, as a matter or question.
2. to throw into disorder or confusion; disarrange
3. to make indecent sexual advances to.
4. to defeat the fulfillment of
5. much discussed or disputed
6. to trouble by repeated attacks, incursions, etc., as in war or hostilities; harry; raid.
7. to put to inconvenience, exertion, pains, or the like
8. Obsolete. inadequately appointed; ill-equipped.
Transliteration : alaikkẕi Other spellings : alaikkzi
to vex perplex disconcert molest tease by continual disapppointment to ruin disappoint ய to be agitated vexed harassed troubled
alaikkzi means
1. to make complicated or confused, as a matter or question.
2. to throw into disorder or confusion; disarrange
3. to make indecent sexual advances to.
4. to defeat the fulfillment of
5. much discussed or disputed
6. to trouble by repeated attacks, incursions, etc., as in war or hostilities; harry; raid.
7. to put to inconvenience, exertion, pains, or the like
8. Obsolete. inadequately appointed; ill-equipped.
Transliteration : alaikkẕi Other spellings : alaikkzi
Meanings in english :
As adjective :
Meaning of alaikkzi in tamil
க்கிறேன் / க்கிறேன்
த்தேன் / த்தேன்ப் பேன் / ப் பேன்க்க / க்கஉலைக்க / உலைக்ககெடுக்க / கெடுக்கkiṟen / கிறேன்nten / ந்தேன்ven / வேன்ulaiya / உலைய
Identical words :
As noun :
alaikkazivu ( அலைக்கழிவு ) - continued trouble
alaikkazivu ( அலைக்கழிவு ) - continued trouble
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