amplm meaning in english
Word: அம்பலம் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
amplm means
1. done, made, acting, etc., for the community as a whole
Transliteration : amplm Other spellings : amplm
amplm means
1. done, made, acting, etc., for the community as a whole
Transliteration : amplm Other spellings : amplm
Meanings in english :
open building in a village for public concourse or for trans acting affairs of justice
open space public Ex: About a third entered public (அம்பலம்) administration, and another third became lawyers. all ornamented or painted room room containing pictures and statues
Meaning of amplm in tamil
chapai / சபை
veli / வெளிchittirakutam / சித்திரகூடம்
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