amutakular meaning in english
Word: அமுதகுலர் - The tamil word have 9 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
amutakular means
1. connected or involved with the pursuit of knowledge, especially of a scholarly nature
2. large in number; numerous
Transliteration : amutakular Other spellings : amutakular
amutakular means
1. connected or involved with the pursuit of knowledge, especially of a scholarly nature
2. large in number; numerous
Transliteration : amutakular Other spellings : amutakular
Meanings in english :
As adjective :
great Ex: Buddhism has a great (அமுதகுலர்) following in mainland Southeast Asia and East Asia.
Meaning of amutakular in tamil
itai yar / இடை யர்chanṟor / சான்றோர்
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