aracharnalvakaiyiyalpu meaning in english

Word: அரசர்நால்வகையியல்பு - The tamil word have 19 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
aracharnalvakaiyiyalpu means
1. the act or an instance of discerning .
2. exceptional or superior ability, skill, or strength

Transliteration : aracarnālvakaiyiyalpu Other spellings : aracharnalvakaiyiyalpu

Meanings in english :

As noun :
four special qualities of kings : 1 bountifulness prowess

Meaning of aracharnalvakaiyiyalpu in tamil

ikai / ஈகை
aṟivu / அறிவுukkm / ஊக்கம்
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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