astami meaning in english

Word: அஸ்தமி - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
astami means
1. this body during a particular lunar month, or during a certain period of time, or at a certain point of time, regarded as a distinct object or entity. Compare full moon , half-moon , new moon , waning moon , waxing moon .
2. to go away, especially furtively or mysteriously; disappear by quick departure
3. to cease to exist or be known; pass away; end gradually

Transliteration : astami Other spellings : astami

Meanings in english :

As noun :
to set go down as the sun vanish disappear to perish become extinct

Meaning of astami in tamil

kkiṟatu / க்கிறது
ttatu / த்ததுkkum / க்கும்kka / க்கmaṟaiya / மறையketa / கெட

Identical words :

As noun :
astamikkai ( அஸ்தமிக்கை ) - setting
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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