chettam meaning in english

Word: சேட்டம் - The tamil word have 7 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chettam means
1. a high place or part; a hill or elevation; height.
2. priority, precedence, or status obtained as the result of a person's length of service, as in a profession, trade, company, or union
3. a social or official position or standing, as in the armed forces

Transliteration : cēṭṭam Other spellings : chettam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
month of june superi ority seniority rank luxuriance of growth blooming as the countenance

Meaning of chettam in tamil

cheshtam / சேஷ்டம்
animatam / ஆனிமாதம்mutanmai / முதன்மைche zippu / செ ழிப்புazku / அழகு
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