chopam meaning in english
Word: சோபம் - The tamil word have 5 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chopam means
1. a beautiful person, especially a woman.
2. having pleasing proportions, relationships, or arrangements, as of shapes , forms, or colors; attractive
3. warm, cheerful brightness
4. an instance or display of imposing pomp or grandeur
5. marked by or resulting from sleepiness.
6. of great amount, quantity, or size; extremely large; massive
7. a condition of indolent indifference
8. the state of being exhausted .
Transliteration : cōpam Other spellings : chopam
chopam means
1. a beautiful person, especially a woman.
2. having pleasing proportions, relationships, or arrangements, as of shapes , forms, or colors; attractive
3. warm, cheerful brightness
4. an instance or display of imposing pomp or grandeur
5. marked by or resulting from sleepiness.
6. of great amount, quantity, or size; extremely large; massive
7. a condition of indolent indifference
8. the state of being exhausted .
Transliteration : cōpam Other spellings : chopam
Meanings in english :
beauty lustre radiance splendor < fainting swooning lanquor fatigue weariness prostration toddy vinous liquor number as ten thou sand trillions pity
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