chutakam meaning in english

Word: சூதகம் - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chutakam means
1. the act or process of bearing or bringing forth offspring; childbirth ; parturition
2. a giving up or handing over; surrender.
3. morally impure; evil; vile
4. a household.
5. bedclothes .
6. failure to attain the just, right, or desired result
7. tearful; weepy
8. ancient times; former ages

Transliteration : cūtakam Other spellings : chutakam

Meanings in english :

As noun :
delivery house clothes childbirth miscarriage antiquity
As adjective :

Meaning of chutakam in tamil

piṟppu / பிறப்பு
makalirtotakku / மகளீர்தொடக்குmaranachutakam / மரணசூதகம்tittu / தீட்டுpzmai / பழமை
Tamil to English
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