chul meaning in english
Word: சூல் - The tamil word have 4 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chul means
1. to fertilize.
Transliteration : cūl Other spellings : chul
blanket or cloth for elephants horses or bullocks pregnancy em bryo foetus em bryo of vegetables tender grain before it shoots forth teeming or charged appearance of the clouds before rain
chul means
1. to fertilize.
Transliteration : cūl Other spellings : chul
Meanings in english :
As noun :
Meaning of chul in tamil
சூல / சூல
குதிரைமுதலியவற்றின்மெய்யுறை / குதிரைமுதலியவற்றின்மெய்யுறைkruppm / கருப்பம்payirkkaru / பயிர்க்கருmukiṟkaru / முகிற்கரு
Identical words :
chulkolla ( சூல்கொள்ள ) - to become pregnant
Tamil to English
English To Tamil
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