chakkattai meaning in english

Word: சக்கட்டை - The tamil word have 8 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chakkattai means
1. having a wicked or evil character; morally reprehensible
2. unqualified or incompetent.
3. lower in place or position; closer to the bottom or base
4. Law. the condition of lacking power to act with legal effectiveness.

Transliteration : cakkaṭṭai Other spellings : chakkattai

Meanings in english :

As noun :
badness unfitness inferiority <

Meaning of chakkattai in tamil

ilappam / இளப்பம்

Identical words :

chakkattaittanam ( சக்கட்டைத்தனம் ) - meannesschakkattaiyal ( சக்கட்டையாள் ) - person of no ability
Tamil to English
English To Tamil

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