chalavati meaning in english

Word: சலவாதி - The tamil word have 6 characters and have more than one meaning in english.
chalavati means
1. characterized by inflexible persistence or an unyielding attitude; inflexibly persisted in or carried out

Transliteration : calavāti Other spellings : chalavati

Meanings in english :

angry person
obstinate pertina cious person person of the servile tribe employed to announce one's death to the relations friends

Meaning of chalavati in tamil

under சலம் / under சலம்
taniyak kopamullavan / தணியாக் கோபமுள்ளவன்kurotamutaiyon / குரோதமுடையோன்maranacheyti cholvon / மரணசெய்தி சொல்வோன்chalapatai / சலபாதை
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